INGENIEROS DACHARY Y CAMARA, S.L, hereinafter INDYCA INGENIERÍA, a company dedicated to engineering and consulting projects, directs its efforts to know and satisfy the needs and expectations of our clients and society.

To this end, INDYCA INGENIERÍA is founded on basic pillars, as a full involvement of the company's staff in offering services which are carried out with the highest quality. In addition, it establishes a firm commitment to adopt a responsible attitude towards the environment and aims to promote the improvement of working conditions, in order to raise the levels of safety, health and well-being of workers.

As a company related to the sector, it knows the path to achieve said goals and sets, thus, the following commitments:

  • Compliance with legal and other applicable requirements, as well as those that the organization potentially subscribes to, in addition to the commitments acquired with clients and with the Society.
  • Unconditional support from management for the evolution and improvement of the Integrated Quality and Environment System.
  • Keep the company's commitment to continuous improvement in its actions related to quality, the prevention of environmental pollution and the prevention of occupational risks, setting objectives that provide added value to our processes.
  • Higher environmental awareness among our workers, our clients and society, through advice and training on environmental issues regarding prevention of pollution, conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of resources, among others.
  • Sustainable use of valuable resources such as water for environmental protection.
  • Commitment to fight against climate change and to the protection of the environment and biodiversity.
  • Integrate our suppliers into the active commitment to improving working conditions.
  • Promote the transition towards the circular economy by applying actions to control our processes.
  • Comply with and raise awareness among our workers, suppliers and clients about the provisions of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) approved by the United Nations.
  • Strengthen commitment and promote awareness of gender equality both in the organization and in society.


At INDYCA INGENIERÍA, these specific and measurable predefined objectives will be subject to periodic monitoring and evaluation, adopting the appropriate measures to achieve them, being aware that they can only be achieved with the involvement of all members of our organization.

In this way, we ensure to meet Quality and Environment Policy requirements, as well as the guidelines of the UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 Standards, and UNE EN-ISO 14001:2015.

We are environmental consultants specialized in the renewable energy sector.

We cover all areas of environmental innovation with the aim of offering the widest range of environmental consulting services.

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